(a loanword from Spanish)
a lash from a whip (see attestations)
asotez Ytech puhuiz chiCuei dosena (Azcapotzalco, 1703)
Auh ypan lunes otechquixti caltzalan ytech caballo otechmicavitequique mamatlacpovual azodes quiz tutech caltzalan (Dakin ed. 1996: 22). = On Monday he took us out among the houses [dragging us along] by horse, they whipped us, it was two hundred lashes a piece for us among the houses. [petition (M 4, M 5, M 7); time range: 1572]
matlacpovalli, mecatl. açotes. ybã castolli tostones, amopena, oqto. ybã desterado. qto. yn aqn qtlatiz. çe tlacatl (Dakin ed. 1996: 30). = ‘Your penalty is two hundred lashes and fifteen tostones,’ he said. ‘And whoever hides a person,’ he said, ‘[will be] banished’. [petition (M 4, M 5, M 7); time range: 1572]
ticnestizque mochi tlacatl ymanel tepalnemini manel nenenque
mochi yvan totacpapiltzin yvan yeuan choloani yntlacayac vel timecauitecozque yca matacpuali açotes. = nosotros habríamos de manifestar a toda persona, ya sea que habite en case ajena, ya sea que esté de paso, a nuestros hijastros y a los que se habían huido. Si no [censamos a alguien], bien seremos castigados con 200 azotes.
macuilpoli açote = y condenado (a cien) azotes (Coyoacan, "1582" [1687?])