(a loanword from Spanish)
blue (see attestations)
ce mancas raso asul [S. Francisco Analcotitlan (Jalisco?), 1652]
canel monemiantzinco yn oncan mitzmocuīcuīcatilia yn tlaçocoyoltōtōtl paxaro açul y otros colores y del tamaño de un centzontli = since it is your place, where the precious Bellbird bird, blue and other colors, the size of a mockingbird, constantly sings to you
auh in do[n] M[art]in Cortes vandera quinapallo açol, tafetan ytech tlacuilloli Sanctiago tepoztli co[n]maquitia do[n] M[art]in auh no yquac quaquamiminalloc (Anales de Juan Bautista 2001: 222). = Don Martín Cortés bore a flag of blue taffeta, with a painting of Santiago on it. Don Martín went wearing his armor. It was also when bulls were shot with arrows. [annals (AJB); time range: 1564]
Na nochipa nictequihuia nocoton tlen iixnezca azultic pampa tlahuel quiamati noyoltzin (Sullivan et al. 2016: 39). = I always wear my blue colored shirt because my girlfriend/boyfriend likes it very much. [vocabulary (TCV); time range: 2016]
Nochocho quinequi ma niccohuili iteccac pilazulticatzin pampa quinahuatihqueh caltlamachtiloyan (Sullivan et al. 2016: 378). My younger sibling wants me to buy him/her shoes because they’ve told him/her (to get them) at school. [vocabulary (TCV); time range: 2016]
Naman yehyectzin tlaazultic pan elhuicatl pampa yalhuaya tlahuel huetzqui atl huan yahqui nochi mixtli tlen oncayaya (Sullivan et al. 2016: 460). = Today the sky is beautifully blue because yesterday it rained hard and all the clouds went away. [vocabulary (TCV); time range: 2016]
quicuh maca yhuan brotalera açol yxcoyan ytomi ytech oquizqui = compró la manga y la frontalera azul, de su propio dinero, de él salió (Tlaxcala, 1662–1692)