toveytlátocatzin son majesdad = our great ruler the king, His Majesty (Tulancingo, 1570)
James Lockhart, Nahuas and Spaniards: Postconquest Centerl Mexican History and Philology, Nahuatl Studies Series 3 (Stanford and Los Angeles: Stanford University Press and UCLA Latin American Studies Center, 1991), 92.
In nican cabildo mocentlanlique in gouor alldes regidores yn ievatzin mgco señor diego rramirez corror por su mgt yn nican prouia tlaxcallan (Tlaxcala, 1547)
Beyond the Codices, eds. Arthur J.O. Anderson, Frances Berdan, and James Lockhart (Los Angeles: UCLA Latin American Center, 1976), Doc. 22.
itech poviz ycamara de su mgt (Tlaxcala, 1547)
Beyond the Codices, eds. Arthur J.O. Anderson, Frances Berdan, and James Lockhart (Los Angeles: UCLA Latin American Center, 1976), Doc. 22.
yehuatli in oquimomaquilli in magt (Coyoacan, circa 1550)
Beyond the Codices, eds. Arthur J.O. Anderson, Frances Berdan, and James Lockhart (Los Angeles: UCLA Latin American Center, 1976), Doc. 26:5, 162–163.
yn tlacatl in tlatoani yn cenca maviztililoni don luis de vellasco visorrey gouern[ador] ytechpatzinco yn toveytlatocauh su magesdad [Mexico City (by Coyoacan writer?), 1557]
Beyond the Codices, eds. Arthur J.O. Anderson, Frances Berdan, and James Lockhart (Los Angeles: UCLA Latin American Center, 1976), Doc. 35.
[yn] licenciado maldonado viscal te su maddad yn nica tecuhctlatolloya [Mexico City (by Coyoacan writer?), 1557]
Beyond the Codices, eds. Arthur J.O. Anderson, Frances Berdan, and James Lockhart (Los Angeles: UCLA Latin American Center, 1976), Doc. 35.
yn epoualli pesus ytech pouiz in igamarra de su magdad ynn opoualli pesos yntech pouiz quicuizque in juezesme in quitlatzontequillizque [Mexico City (by Coyoacan writer?), 1557]
Beyond the Codices, eds. Arthur J.O. Anderson, Frances Berdan, and James Lockhart (Los Angeles: UCLA Latin American Center, 1976), Doc. 35.
nichane ciudad de tlaxcalan nipoui ytech cabecera ocotelulco ... yn nican mihtoua ciudad y su prouia de tlxn por su magt (Tlaxcala, 1566)
Beyond the Codices, eds. Arthur J.O. Anderson, Frances Berdan, and James Lockhart (Los Angeles: UCLA Latin American Center, 1976), Doc. 1.
muy magcos ss— alldes yn icatçinco su magtt (Xochimilco, 1572)
Frances Karttunen and James Lockhart, Nahuatl in the Middle Years: Language Contact Phenomena in Texts of the Colonial Period, Linguistics 85 (Los Angeles, University of California Publications, 1976), Doc. 2.