(a loanword from Spanish)
a sermon
(a loanword from Spanish)
in teotlahtolli moyollocopa ticcaquiz in sermon in teotlahtolli = you are willingly to hear the sermon, the doctrine (central Mexico, early seventeenth century)
amo techmachtia teotlatoli sermon = he does not teach us the divine words, the sermon (Jalostotitlan, Jalisco, 1611)
omochuih sermones otlaseliloc = sermons were preached; communion was taken
auh yn se teopixqui yn iquac oquimochihuiliyaya sermon san huel omixtetlatlatziniaya san huel omomictiaya niman mosotlahualtiaya ytec yn pulpit = and one friar, as he was delivering the sermon, would give himself blows in the face; he was really beating himself up. Then he fainted in the pulpit
yhuan quichipauh retablo ocan tlaco quimoquechili totlaçonatzin Huadalupe cermo mochiuh yhua tlayahualuluc teopan y tiuhhualco = Y limpió el retablo, en cuya parte central colocó a nuestra amada madre de Guadalupe. Se hizo sermón y procesión en el atrio del templo (Tlaxcala, 1662–1692)