snake, serpent; twin, twins; something reciprocal; a calendrical marker; also, a person's name (see Molina, Karttunen, and Lockhart)
Cuix ticneltoca in temictli in Peyotl, Ololiuhqui, Tletl, Tecolotl, Chiquatli, Coatl nozo itla oc centlamantli quimoteotiaya in mocolhuan huehuetque. = Do you believe in dreams, peyote, ololiuhqui, fire, owls, barn owls, snakes or some other thing your grandfathers the ancients used to worship?
Tecōātl, Cuauhcōātl = Stone-snake [i.e., rocky road], Wood-snake [i.e., mountain road]. (Atenango, between Mexico City and Acapulco, 1629)
açompa tlamizque cohuaquallozque. ca cenca ychan yn cocohua = Perhaps they will come to an end there, eaten by snakes; for it is great snake country. (central Mexico, early seventeenth century)
y nemi y yca ya chicvzivhtl y nemi ymomesti cvcvuha catca = The reason that both of them are now seven years old is that they were twins. (Cuernavaca region, ca. 1540s)
ynic vmeti oquichtl omozivhauhti ayamo moquatequia ytoca cvuhatl = The second, male, married, not yet baptized, is named Coatl. (Cuernavaca region, ca. 1540s)
oncan in quiminque ce covatl cenca tomahuac ce chichimecatl = There they shot a very thick snake with arrows; it was a Chichimeca who shot it.
cuoatl [sic] = Serpent, a name given boys (Central Mexico, sixteenth century)
coatilmahtli = snake cape;
coatzontecomayo tilmahtli = the cape with the snake head design;
coaxayacayo tilmahtli = the cape with the serpent face design; it is mentioned in the Codice Florentino (CF X:186) as one of the costume items of the Huaxteca people
juo. coatl (Tepetlaoztoc, sixteenth century)
loreço coatl = Lorenzo Coatl (the glyph next to the gloss for this name curiously does not show a serpent but rather a pot, comitl, and water, atl) (Tepetlaoztoc, sixteenth century)
Hernando Cohuatl = a Mexica man who was arrested in Mexico City for protesting rising tributes in July 1564
Niculas Coal is mentioned in parish records of San Bartolomé Capulhuac (Acapulhuac, Capolohuac, etc.) of 1618.
Cuix ticneltoca in temictli in Peyotl, Ololiuhqui, Tletl, Tecolotl, Chiquatli. coatl nozo itla oc centlamantli quimoteotiaya in mocolhuan huehuetque. = As creydo en sueños, en el Peyote, Ololiuque, en el fuego, en los Buhos, Lechusas, ò Culebras, &c. O en otros abusos que tuvieron tus antepasados.
Yn iquac ye omiqui nima ytec quicalaquique pipa yhuan cocohua tamaçolime caxtil mizto çaço nepapa yolcatl. = Una vez que murió, luego lo metieron dentro de una pipa junto con culebras, sapos, gallo, gato y cualquier otra variedad de animal. (Tlaxcala, 1662–1692)
axcan ypan xapato mo poa nahui cali tecpatl cali tochi acatl chihuitl cahuitl zipatli= ehecatl= cali= cuespali= cohuatl= miquistli= masatl= tochi= atl= iscuintli= osomatl= minali= acatl= ocelotl= quautli= coscaquautli= olin= tecpatl= quiahuitl= chochitl = ahoy en éste día sábado que se cuenta cuatro casa. Pedernal, Casa, Consejo, Caña, signos de los años en el Tiempo estos cuatro signos se cuentan. Lagarto, Mono, Viento, Yerba tocida, Casa, Caña, Lagartija, Tigre, Culebra, Aguila, Muerte, Aguila de collar, Venado, Movimiento, Conejo, Pedernal, Agua, Lluvia, Perro, Flor (Estado de Hidalgo, ca. 1722?)
ome tecontotonti tlatlacuilollo cohuatl = dos tecomates pintados que están en ellos una culebra pintada