to take care of, guard, keep (see attestations); or, to be in charge (see Lockhart, attestations)
to be in charge (said of father guardians, also sometimes of governors, and of patron saints, etc.)
motlapielitoc = is in charge (serves as patron saint)
(Mexico, late seventeenth-century) (Techialoyan manuscript from San Cristóbal Texcalucan and Magdalena Chichicaspa)
The -toc ending is acting as a present progressive.
tlapia = is in charge (suggesting a possible alternate translation of a passage from the Cantares Mexicanos, Bierhorst, 340–41, verse 106)
motlapielia = es patrón
motlapielia = se guarda [i.e. la imagen de la Virgen María dentro de la iglesia]
yn nimiznomaquiliya topilhya onpa titlapiyaz in Sant Andres Abazbatepec = te encomiende a nuestros hijos que los cuides alla en San Andres Abazbatepec (Tlaxcala, 1543)