to make something revolve, spin, to wind it up
malacachoa (verb) = to twine, to fold
ontlaiavaloco, ontlamalacachoco, ommocovitzoco, ommotevilacachoco = they came going in circles, spinning, turning, twisting.
Acatl xihuitl 1611. años. axcan yehuatl ipan ĩ yn ome acatl xihuitl. yn iuh quihtotihui. quiteneuhtihui. huehuetque tachcocolhuan. toxiuh molpillia yn õpohuallonmatlacxiuhtica ypan onxiuhtica. yuh mochiuhtiuh. yn molpillitiuh yn inxiuh huehuetque. yn maca ҫan temallacatl. ynic yatiuh. ynic mocuecueptiuh ynic momallacachotiuh = Reed year, 1611. Now in this 2 Reed year, as the ancients our forebears said and mentioned, our years are tied, as was done every 52 years that the years of the ancients went along being tied, as though it were a wheel in its manner of going returning upon itself and revolving (central Mexico, 1610–1611)
yn quiteneuhtihui tachcocolhuan catca. tonatiuh quallo. ynic motlapololtiaya. canel amo huel oquimattiaque. yn quenin hui. yn quenin mochihua. ynic yzqui tlanepanoltitimani. yn ilhuicame ynic otlatoca. ynic momamallacachotihui. ynic mopapanahuitihui. ynic cecenteotlatoca. ynic yzqui tlanepanoltitimani. ylhuicame = our forefathers called it the sun being eaten, in which they were confused, for they did not know how the heavens go, how they are made, so that each one lies across the other as they go along revolving and crossing one another, how each one goes along, how each of the heavens crosses the others (central Mexico, 1611)