a Mexica, a person of Mexico; plural: the Mexica (also Mexicah, with the glottal stop), the people of Mexico (Lockhart); also, sometimes treated as a person's name
ca tomexicapiltzin. ca tochichimecapiltzin. ca yehuatl technequiz. yn quipez. yn mexicayotl. yn tenochcayotl = For he is our Mexica Chichimeca child. He will want us, he will guard the Mexica Tenochca altepetl. (central Mexico, early seventeenth century)
Ca otoconcac in timexicatl in titenochcatl ynic tonmotequitiliz yn iuh oq’uimotlalli yn totlatocatzin in Magestad = You, people from Mexico-Tenochtitlan, have heard that you will pay tribute as our Lord and Majesty has decreed.
ytocan Mexicatl = named Mexicatl (Cuernavaca region, ca. 1540s)
Calixto Mexicatl = a tribute payer named in the Matrícula de Huexotzinco, f. 595r; perhaps his name was Mexicatl, or he was being identified by his ethnicity (or both). See the Visual Lexicon of Aztec Hieroglyphs, https://aztecglyphs.wired-humanities.org/content/mexicatl-mh595r (Stephanie Wood, Editor)
A larger number of personal names and/or ethnic labels in the Matrícula de Huexotzinco are "Mexi." See: https://aztecglyphs.wired-humanities.org/fulltext-quick-search?search_ap... (Stephanie Wood, Editor)
ynonamic ytoca Maria Mexicaciuatl = mi mujer, que se llama María Mexicasuatl [sic] (Santa Bárbara)