meat, flesh
toqueznacaio = flesh of our hip; metznacatl = flesh of the thigh; tlanquanacatl = flesh of the knee; totlanquanacaio = flesh of our knee; cotznacatl = flesh of the calf of the leg; quequeiolnacatl = flesh of the ankle; xocpalnacatl = flesh of the sole of the foot; xicnacatl = flesh of the naval; texicnacaio = flesh of one's naval; macpalnacatl = flesh of the palm of the hand; xopilnacatl = flesh of the toe; mapilnacatl = flesh of the finger (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
iceliloca in tlaçomahuiznacayotzin (yhuan itlazomahuizezzotzin) to Tecuiyo = the beloved, venerated Body (and the beloved, venerated Blood) of our venerated Lord
yn amo huel quinmictizque yn inyolia yn innacayo = will not kill the spirits and their bodies (Central Mexico, 1552)
apçolco nacamicti = butcher at Apçolco (Coyoacan, 1575)
Se Cuarto naCal ypatic yei peso yõnn ome tomi = A quarter of meat [of a steer?] at the price of 3 pesos and 2 reales. (Santiago Apóstol Quaxochtenco, Toluca Valley, 1703)
çan yayactzintli catca amo qualxayaque yhuan çan pitzahuactzintli catca amo nacayo = she was quite weak, had not a pretty face, was quite thin, was not fleshy. (Central Mexico, early seventeenth century)
Auh ca nohuian quihualtocatiaque yn tlalli. auh yn quihualquitiaque. yn intech monequia. nacatl yn tonacayotl. yhua yn etl. huauhtli. chian yhuan chilli. xitomatl = And everywhere they sowed seeds in the soil, and they ate what they needed: meat and the products of the lands [like] corn, beans, amaranth, chia, chilis, and tomatoes (central Mexico, early seventeenth century)
in nonac = my meat (which I have bougth and am eating)
in nonacayo = my body (the structure of flesh that constitutes my person)
The latter shows the -yō of inalienable possession.
Cuix otiqua nacatl ipan Viernes, Sabado anoço Vigilia? = ¿Comiste carne en viernes, sabado, o vigilia?
Yn omoquatequique yn oq'[ui]neltocaque yn d[ios] mocuepazque. Yn huacaxnacatl quiqua ça[n] no yehuatl mocuepaz. Yn pitzonacatl quiqua ça[n] no yehuatl mocuepaz. Yn ychcana[ca]tl quiqua ça[n] no yehuatl mocuepaz yhua[n] yn ichcaayatl quiquemi, Yn quanaca q'[ui]qua ça[n] no yehuatl mocuepaz yn ixquich tlein in tlaq[ua]l y ye nica[n] nemi yn q'[ui]nqualia ca moch mocuepazque popolihuizque aocaque yezque = Los que se bautizaron y creyeron en Dios se transformarán. Los que comen carne de vaca, se convertirán en eso. Los que comen carne de puerco, se convertirán en eso. Los que comen carne de borrego se convertirán. Todo lo que es comida de los que aquí viven y la comen, todos se transformarán, serán destruidos, ya nadie existirá (ca. 1582, México)