Auh ixqujch nenca in tlaҫotototl, y xiuhtototl, in quetzaltototl, i ҫaqua, in tlauhquechol, yoan in ie ixqujch nepapan tototl in cenca vel tlatoa, in vel tepacic cujca = And there dwelt all [varieties of] birds of precious feather—the blue cotinga, the quetzal, the trupial, the red spoonbill, and all the different birds, which spoke very well; which sang right sweetly (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
in nepapan suchitl, in tepepan suchitl = various flowers, mountain flowers (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
y nepahpan chalchihuitl. yn tlaçotetl. yn teocuitlatl. yn quetzalli. ȳ nepahpan tlaçoyhuitl. yn tlapapalcacahuatl = various green stones, precious stones, gold, precious quetzal feathers, diverse precious feathers, varicolored chocolate (central Mexico, early seventeenth century)
yquac sabado a 8 de março qualoc tonatiuh ypan chicuicnahui oras tlayohuac mochi tzatzinque nepapan tototzintzintin yhuan caxtilme = El Sábado 8 de marzo, día de Santo Tomás, eclipsó el sol a las nueve horas. Se obscureció, todos gritaron, los diversos pájaros y los gallos, todos gritaron. (Tlaxcala, 1662–1692)
in nepapan cocoliztli = las diversas enfermedad(es) (s. XVIII)