a fast; or hunger (see Karttunen and Molina)
or, abstinence (a ceremony or ritual)
i ma iuhqui tlamamalli in neҫaoaliztli, in juhqui opouhtivetzque, ie pacca, iocoxca oaliҫa oalpaccaiҫa = For no longer a burden upon their backs was their fasting. [It was] as if [now] they could move briskly and with security; now they awoke [from their sleep] with joy and peace; they awoke tranquil (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
nezahualoz in iquac motlanahuatilia in Sancta Yglesia = fast when the holy Church orders it
neçaoalizquachtli = "'fasting mantle,' decorated with a bone design, was worn by a new ruler and his attendant lords during the four days of ritual penance that preceded his installation" (citing Sahagún VIII, 62–64).
Jnic neçavaloya amo tlacatlaqualoya ça ye aiac mamoviaya aiac motemaia amono ac civa cochia çaniyo icoac in in pāquetzaliztlj tlacatlaqualoya chicomilhuitl. = When they practiced abstinence they did not fast, but no one washed with soap, no one took a steam bath, nor did anyone sleep with a woman. Only at the time of [the festival of] Panquetzaliztli did they fast for seven days.
nezahualoz in iquac motlanahuatilia in Sancta Yglesia = ayunar quando lo manda la Yglesia