to doubt something, or hurt oneself on a wall or door sill; or to punch/hit someone; to pound something; or to beat drums, or play an organ; to give out blows; or, to pan for gold
Qujcujcatiaia, yn iveveiooan, qujteponacilhujaia, caiotzotzonjlia, caioujtequjlia, caiacachilhuja, comjchicaoacilhuja. = Her old men sang for her; they beat the two-toned wooden drum, and the turtle-shell drum; they rattled rattles shaped like dried poppy-seed pods, and they rattled bone rattles. (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
tzotzona (verb) = to strike the drum
auh no yquac cuicuicaya. tlatlatzonaya. yn omotocateneuh huehue çaca yn ichan auh ynacaztitlan acic quicac yn moteuhcçomatzin ylhuicamina. quihto. tetlatlani. aquin cuica. auh nimā quilhuique ca yehuatl yn motechiuhcauh huehue çaca. = But also at that time the aforenamed Huehue Çaca continuously sang and beat drums in his home, and [the sound] reached Moteucçomatzin Ilhuicamina's ears; he heard it. He asked people: Who sings? And they said to him: It is your senior official, Huehue Çaca. (central Mexico, early seventeenth century)
motzohtzonaz, in omeyollohuaz = he will doubt about himself
In references to the cueitl (skirt) and huipilli (blouse), this verb can be metaphorical for committing adultery.
niman ye yc quauhtzotzona yn oztotenpa ynic oncan quinelhuayotique yn yehuatl altepetl. yn ical yn iteocal yn huitzilopochtli = Thereupon they hammered in wood [piles] at the cave's mouth. Thus they made a foundation for the city and Huitzilopochtli's house, his temple. (central Mexico, early seventeenth century)
tlatzotzontivitze, yoan tlapitztivitze yoan quavilacapitzli = They came beating drums and blowing [trumpets] and wooden fifes. (Mexico City, sixteenth century)
ie ic quivicatiuitze, quitzotzona inic quinextilia in intelaçotlaliz = they came along with him, stroking his hair to show their good feeling (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
yuã tepuztica tetezotzõaloc ynacayotzĩ = and his body was struck repeatedly with metal (mid sixteenth century, Central Mexico)
yn ohuala se jues [Espacio en blanco] quipuhuaco çetetl real probiçio mochiuh prigo tiaquizco sabado motzotzo gaja yhua mopiz clari = vino a leer una real provisión. Se hizo pregón en el mercado del sábado, se tocó la caja y el clarín. (Tlaxcala, 1662–1692)
Yhuan ma cana tecue, tehuipil yc timotzotzon, yc timohuitec = En ninguna parte con la falda, con la camisa ajena te des un golpe, te dañes
za teca motzotzona, mohuitequi, in za tenanaltzatihuetzi, in za tequaquatihuetzi = sólo con la gente se golpea, se pega, sólo gruñe a las personas de repente, sólo las muerde repentinamente