entrails, intestines
in tenitl yn cuextecatl yc pehuaz in yaoyotl onca[n] momanaz y[n] Matlalxochipa[n] cuitlaxcol atlauhtli yez etc. (Anales de Juan Bautista, f. 8v–9r, 1582) = The foreigner [tenitl], those from the Huaxteca will set out to make war, making their basecamp in Matlalxochipan. There they will fill a canyon with human innards.
ca much vncā [fol.31] icuiliuhtoc in tzontecomatl, nacaztli, iollotli, cuitlaxculli eltapachtli, tochichi, macpalli, xocpalli = for there were painted all severed heads, ears, hearts, entrails, livers, lungs, hands and feet (Mexico City, sixteenth century)
Aca icuitlaxcoltzin quitlatlamachica. Itechpa mitoa: in tlachichiuhqui, in iuhqui amantecatl, in uel quiyecchichioa in itlachioal. = Someone who arranges his intestines artistically. This is said of an artesan, such as a feather-artist, who does his work beautifully and designs it well.