a noblewoman from Tula, daughter of Aztauhyatzin; she married Axayacatzin, ruler of Tenochtitlan
(central Mexico, early seventeenth century)
Another Mizquixahualtzin was the fifth child of Tlacateotzin (ruler of Tlatelolco) and Xiuhtomiyauhtzin.
(central Mexico, early seventeenth century)
axayacatzin tlahtohuani tenochtitlan ompa ontlacihuaan yn tullam yn cihuapilli ompa conan ye omito ytoca mizquixahualtzin = Axayacatzin, ruler of Tenochtitlan, took a wife in Tollan. The noblewoman whom he took from there, as has already been said, was named Mizquixahualtzin. (central Mexico, early seventeenth century)
mizquixaual = Mesquite face paint, a name for girls (Central Mexico, sixteenth century)