a silk cotton tree (Ceiba pentandra), a "large and beautiful" tree (see Molina and Karttunen); frondous, this tree produces something that looks like cotton bolls
pochotl (noun) = the ceiba tree; fig., protector, chief
Auh yhuan ye nauhpohualxihuitl. ypan nauhxivitl yn ipan 7. calli xihuitl. 1525. años. yn omomiquillico. yn tlacatl Don hernando quauhtimoctzin. çan quĩpilloque ytech pochotl ynehuan yn Don Pọ tetlepanquetzatzin tlahtohuani tlacupa. = And also, it was 84 years ago, in the year 7 House, 1525, the lord don Hernando Quauhtemoctzin passed away; they hanged him from a silk-cotton tree along with don Pedro Tetlepanquetzatzin, ruler in Tacuba. (1608, Central Mexico)
iuqui uey aueuetl, uey pochotl ic tlatocati: yehica iuicpa uel netemachilotoc = he was like a great cypress, a great ceiba, because the people put their trust in him.
pochoquauhtitech quinpilloque yn omentin tlahtoque = they hanged two rulers on a silk cotton tree
Taueuetl, in tipochotl motlan moceoualhuiz, in maceoalli = You are a great cypress and ceiba: under you the people shall have cover, they shall have shade.
pochotl = ceiba; may also refer to the warrior king specifically (late sixteenth century, Tetzcoco?)
in totechiuhcaoan, in vel vevetque, in vel ilamatque muchiuhtiuj: in vel ceoallotiuj, in vel malacaiotivi, in vevei puchotl, avevetl muchiuhtivi yn ointlannecalaqujloc: auh in amo ointlan cahaqujco in jmma, in jmjcxi: in oqujҫoҫoaco in jmahaz, in jncujtlapiltzin = These were our forefathers who lived as the really old men, the really old women, who went casting a shadow, who went providing shade, who went forming the great silk cotton trees, the cypresses for those who became their subjects. And they were the ones who went not hiding their hands, their feet; rather, those who went extending their wings, their tail feathers (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
A large pochotl stands over a marketplace in Oaxaca. It is referred to locally as El Pochote. (Stephanie Wood, Editor)
pochotli, que se parece á el algodon, se davan talegasos vnos á otros, y á contemplacion suya todos los demas salian por las calles con este regozijo, y á todas las mugeres, que encontravan, las davan de talegasos, y ellas se defendian como podian, y parava la fiesta en muchachos.
tonatiuh ixco pochotli yn minticac ytocayocan tequacuilco = Hacia el oriente: está flechado el pocho donde se llama Tequacuilco…. (Quauhtinchan, s. XVI)