(a loanword from Spanish)
no çentetl abito yhuā vino yhuā açeyte yhuā Candella, quivenchihuazque = they will make an offering of a [religious] habit and [Spanish] wine and olive oil and candles
quixtlahuazque pena Cenpouali [pesos?] yc mocohuaz açeyten ytetzinco pohuis y Smo. Sacramento = they are to pay a fine of 20 pesos to buy olive oil to belong to the holly Sacrament (1655, Mexico City)
auh yquac mopillo lambra yn o[n]ca[n] tlatla açeite yn ixpa[n] pilcac S[an] Joseph. = At that time the lamp in which oil burns was hung, the one that hangs before San José. [Anales de Juan Bautista 2001: 146 (f. 5r)), vocabulary (TCV, VM 1); time range: 1566–1571, 2016]
Moztla niccohuaz ceyoc aceyiteh. = Tomorrow I’ll buy another [bottle of] cooking oil.[annals (AJB), vocabulary (TCV, VM 1); (Sullivan et al. 2016: 5); time range: 1566–1571, 2016]
mopillo lambra yn o[n]ca[n] tlatla açeite yn ixpa[n] pilcac S[an] Joseph = se colgó la lámpara donde se quema el aceite, la que está colgada frente a San José (ca. 1582, México)