a homosexual male
Auh in cucuxquj cenca tlanauj, yn amo vel pati, yn aoc ontlaiecoa yn aoc vel i: in quenmanjan cahoaia: qujlhujaia. Titlacaoane, cujlonpole = And the sick man [who was] in sore straits, who might not recover, who could not now end [the suffering], who could now endure no more, sometimes berated [Titlacauan]. He said to him: "O Titlacauan, thou sodomite!" (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
"The cuiloni, the one who is sodomized, becomes intricately connected with the one who is sacrificed and eaten."
See also the Florentine Codex, where a person might cry out angrily at one of the supreme deities by calling him a cuiloni (see attestation).
Note that the word for anus is cuilchilli.