a sign, a signal, a manifestation, the appearance of something
(sixteenth century, Quauhtinchan)
auh in maçihui in ticyta in yca in totlacatlachializ in tlaxcalli neçi, ca aocmo tlaxcalli in oncan ca, ca çan huel tehuatl in inacayotzin, ça ixquich in tlaxcalnenezcayotl = And even though with our human eyes we see that it appears to be bread, what exists is no longer bread but His very body; it is all just the appearances of bread
tlanezcayotiliztli = something hidden being made manifest, a revelation of the referent's hidden meaning
auh in maçihui in ticyta in yca in totlacatlachializ in tlaxcalli neçi, ca aocmo tlaxcalli in oncan ca, ca çan huel tehuatl in inacayotzin, ça ixquich in tlaxcalnenezcayotl = Y avnque le ven los ojos del cuerpo, que parece pan, ya no es pan lo que queda alli, sino su verdadero cuerpo, solos los accidentes, y apariencias de pan quedan