This name is attested as a name taken by humble Nahuas and very illustrious men.
Ynin matlactli once ytoca teçoçomoctzin tlahtohuani culhuacan yehuatl in ypan acico yn españoles. yn iquac acico oncan quinnamiquico ȳ nitztapallapan = The eleventh was named Teçoçomoctzin, ruler of Culhuacan. In his time the Spaniards came. When they arrived, he met them there in Itztapalapan. (central Mexico, early seventeenth century)
Auh ynin tlahtolcaltzin tlahtohuani culhuacan quinchiuh omentin ypilhuan oquichtin ynic ce ytoca cahualtzin. ynin çan pilli catca yn ompa culhuacan ynic come ytoca teçoçomoctli ynin yehuatl tlahtocati yn culhuacan yn ihquac acico = Don fernando cortes. Marques del valle. oncan quinamic yn itztapallapan. = And this Tlatolcaltzin, ruler of Culhuacan, begot two male children. The first was named Cahualtzin; he was only a nobleman in Culhuacan. The second was named Teçoçomoctli. He was ruler of Culhuacan when don Hernando Cortés, Marquéz del Valle, arrived, and he met him in Itztapalapan. (central Mexico, early seventeenth century)
Auh yn oc ce omotocateneuh yn ipiltzin acamapichtli tlahtohuani tenochtitlan. yn itoca ytzcohuatzin. ynin çan no tlahtohuani tenochtitlan. ynin quichiuh ce ypiltzin ytoca Teçoçomoctli. ynin tlahtocapillo. quin icel yuhqui ytoca mochiuh ynin tocaytl yn nican tenochtitlan. auh ynin omotocateneuh teçoçomoctli. ayc otlahtocat. yn tenochtitlan çan tlaçopilli catca. auh yehuatl oquinchiuhtia yn eyntin tlahtoque. tenochtitlan. ynic ce ytoca tiçocic. ynic ome ytoca Ahuitzotl. yniquey ytoca Axayaca ynin ça xocoyotl. auh ye achto yn otlahtocat. auh çate yn otlahtocatque yn omotocateneuhque ytiachcahuan yn tiçocic yhuan Ahuitzotl. = And another aforenamed son of Acamapichtli, ruler of Tenochtitlan, was named Itzcoatzin. He also was ruler of Tenochtitlan. He begot a son named Teçoçomoctli. He was a great lord. His name later became a unique name here in Tenochtitlan, [for] this aforenamed Teçoçomoctli was never ruler of Tenochtitlan; he was only a highborn nobleman; but he begot three rulers of Tenochtitlan. The first was named Tiçocic. The second was named Ahuitzotl. The third was named Axayaca; he was the youngest, but he was the first to be ruler, and afterward his aforenamed elder brothers Tiçocic and Ahuitzotl were rulers. (central Mexico, early seventeenth century)
A Tezozomoctli became ruler of Azcapotzalco in 1367 or 1370.
Huehue Tezozomoctli was "a great lord of Tenochtitlan" who bore three sons, Tizocicatzin, Ahuitzotzin, and Axayacatzin; all became rulers of Tenochtitlan, starting with the youngest Axayacatl. (central Mexico, seventeenth century)
Another Tezozomoctzin was the son of Tlacateotzin (ruler of Tlatelolco) and Xiuhtomiyauhtzin, and he "went to rule in Quauhtitlan"
(central Mexico, seventeenth century)
Another Tezozomoctzin is attested as the 11th ruler of Culhuacan and in power at the time of the arrival of Cortés. His son, Pitzotzin, succeeded him in office, being the 12th ruler of Culhuacan. (central Mexico, seventeenth century)
Tezozomoctli Aculnahuacatzin (which could also be spelled Acolnahuacatzin), a "great lord of Tenochtitlan," married Telacuilolxochtzin and had two sons with her. don Diego de Alvarado Huanitzin, who ruled Ecatepec and later governed Mexico Tenochtitlan, and don Francisco Matlaccoatzin, who went to Spain. (central Mexico, seventeenth century)
A seventeenth-century chronicler bore the name don Hernando de Alvarado Tezozomoc. (central Mexico, seventeenth century)
¶ v. acatl xihuitl 1367 años. ypan in motlahtocatlalliq yn acamapichtli tlahtohuani mochiuh tenuchtitlan yhuan teçoçomoctli tlahtohuani mochiuh yn azcapotzalco = The year Five Reed, 1367. At this time were installed as rulers Acamapichtli, who became ruler of Tenochtitlan, and Teçoçomoctli, who became ruler of Azcapotzalco.
¶ viij. tochtli xihuitl, 1370. ypan in motlahtocatlalli yn huehue teçoçomoctli tlahtohuani azcapotzalco = The year Eight Rabbit, 1370. At this time Huehue Teçoçomoctli was installed as ruler of Azcapotzalco.
¶ xij. tochtli xihuitl 1426 años auh nican ypan in momiquillico yn huehue teçoçomoctzin yn tlahtocat azcapotzalco Epohualxihuitl = The year Twelve Rabbit, 1426. And here at this time HueHue Teçoçomoctli died. He had ruled Azcapotzalco for sixty years.
yz ca yteycauh y nochhuetli ytonca tençozonmoc ha° mocuatequia = Here is Nochhuetl's younger sibling, named Teçoçomoc, not baptized.
(Cuernavaca region, ca. 1540s)
ytonca tençozomoc = named Teçoçomoc (Cuernavaca region, ca. 1540s)
auh yn axcan ypan xihuitl de 1609 años. yenonehuatl Don Hernando de Alvarado Teçoçomoc nixhuiuh yntlacat catca huey tlahtohuani Moteuhcçomatzin Xocoyotl. y nomo tlapiellico yno qui mopachilhuico huey altepetl nican Mexico Tenochtitlan, ytlaço ychpochtzin ytechoniquiz. yn tlacatl cihuapilli nomantzin ytocatzin Doña Fran. de Moteuhcçoma. ynamictzin catca yntlacatl Don Diego de Alvarado Huanitzin niccauhtzin. notatzin. = Y hoy en el año de 1609, yo mismo, Don Hernando de Alvarado Tezozomoc, que soy nieto de la persona que fuera el gran rey Moteuczoma el menor, quien gobernara y rigiera la gran población de México Tenochtitlan, y que provine de su apreciada hija, de la persona de la princesa, mi amadísima madre, Doña Francisca de Moteuczoma, cuyo cónyuge fuera la persona de Don Diego de Alvarado Huanitzin, padre mío preciadísimo, noble; [Y ahora, en el año de 1609 años ya también yo. "Don Hernando de Alvarado" Tezozomoc, su nieto que soy de la persona que era el gran rey Moteuhczomatzin el menor, quien vino a guardar, quien vino a gobernar la gran población Mexico Tenochtitlan, su preciada hija de ella salí, la persona de la princesa, mi reverenciada madre "Doña Francisca de Moteuczoma", su estimado marido fué la persona de "Don Diego de Alvarado" Huanitzin, mi preciado padre noble, mi progenitor;] (centro de México, s. XVII)