(a loanword from Spanish)
Egypt, the place name
(central Mexico, early seventeenth century)
ca monequi yn ompa timohuicaz in Egipto . . . ye timohuicatiuh in ompa Egipto . . . Auh inic vmpa in Egipt. = it was necessary that you go to Egypt . . . you were going there to Egypt . . . And when you went to arrive in Egypt (central Mexico, early seventeenth century)
yn onpa Egipto = there in Egypt (late sixteenth century, Central Mexico)
Centlamantli acuetzpali muchiua yn vmpa Egipto, atlan nemi cenca temamauhti yn itlachieliz vel yuhquin tzitzimitl, itoca cocodrillo, yuhquin cuetzpali yc mamaye, auh cenca veytemahmauhti yn ixincayo. Quilmach ceppa cani monamicque coyotl, yhuan ynyn acuetzpali motlatzouilique ytechpa yn intlacamecayo. = The crocodile is an animal from Egypt, frightful in appearance, and monstrous, like a lizard, its skin is frightening with wrinkles and scales, it is huge and misshapen. They say that on one occasion a context took place between this creature and a fox about the nobility and their ancestral line....(sixteenth century, central Mexico)