(a loanword from Spanish)
an angel (see attestations)
angelotin (noun) = angels
ca intlanel ce Angel. ahnoço aca huei sancto, ahnoço aca huei propheta xiqualmihualiani ynic techmaquixtiz. in tlalticpac titlaca = Supposing that You had sent an angel or some great saint or some great prophet here to save us people of the world (central Mexico, early seventeenth century)
quinhualmihualiaya, yn iangelotzitzinhuan in mitzalmotlahpalhuiaya = he used to send his little angels. They used to greet you. (late seventeenth century, Central Mexico)
auh yn padre. nimã mochintin quimotlatlauhtillique yn dios nimã hualla Ce ãgel = and the padres then all prayed to God. Then an angel came. (late seventeenth century, Central Mexico)
in ie amuchinti in amipilhoa in dios, in amangeloti xioalmouicaca = all you sons of God, you angels; come
Auh inin angel, in iquac ipantzinco calac in ichpuchtli, quimopouiliticatca in teutlatolli. =“And this angel, when he entered upon the maiden, she was reading the sacred words”(Burkhart ed. 2001: 40). [annals (AHT, AJB), municipal council records (TA 145), religious play (FJ, HLE, LDS, Mer, SI, STE, TK), religious treatise (CC, DC, EQ), sermon (SJB), song (PX), vocabulary (VM 1, VT); time range: 1548–1720]
niman otiquinmonahuatili yn mangelotzitzinhuã ynic quinmonextilizque in quinmonochilizque quinyoliuhtlamachtizque in motlaneltocacahuan yn ipilhuan Jsrael inic Quimatizque in ca ohualmohuicac in motlaihualtzin in temaquixtiani in Jesu xpo. =“You then sent Your angels to reveal, to announce, to assure Your believers the children of Israel so that they would know that Your messenger the Savior Jesus Christ had come”(Anderson & Schroeder eds. 1997, II: 146) [annals (AHT, AJB), municipal council records (TA 145), religious play (FJ, HLE, LDS, Mer, SI, STE, TK), religious treatise (CC, DC, EQ), sermon (SJB), song (PX), vocabulary (VM 1, VT); time range: 1548–1720]
hueyx in munomento yhua[n] moch tilmatli in micuillo in quauhtlamamatlatl ypan moçouh yhuan in tlamac angelesme y[n] micuilloque = se agrandó el monumento y todas las mantas se pintaron, las que se tendieron sobre las escaleras de madera y a los lados se pintaron ángeles. (ca. 1582, México)