the palm of the hand (literally, seat of the hand); the hand (see Molina and Karttunen); also, a personal name
See also our entry for cemmacpalli.
yn inmacpa niquimanatiuh yn tlatlacatecolo = I am going to seize them from the hands of the demons (late sixteenth century, Central Mexico)
motemacpalhuiticac = a hand is painted on his mouth
macpalli = hand [palm];
tilaoac = thick;
ixnacaio = of fleshy surface;
teputzomio = of bony back;
aapaio = furrowed;
aacaliuhqui = grooved;
aacaltic = grooved;
chipaoac = clean;
iztaleoac = pale;
tlatlactic = ruddy;
tlatlauhqui = reddish;
camiltic = brown;
camiliuhqui = brownish;
tlamatema = one fills the hand;
tlamotzoloa = it grasps;
tlatzitzquia = it seizes;
tlamatoca = it touches (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
Ahuitzotl, who had something like 20 children, had a grandchild named Macpalli: "ynin hue tequihua catca yehuatl oquinchiuh omentin ypilhua ynic ce ytoca yxconantzin, ynic ome ytoca macpaltzin." = "He was a great, brave warrior. He begot two children. The first was named Ixconantzin. The second was named Macpaltzin." (central Mexico, seventeenth century)
ynimizquinime ceceyaca juramento quicuique yca ynmayeccan macpal ipan quimanque cruz contenamique = a todos ellos y a cada uno les tomaron juramento con la palma de la mano derecha levantada ante la cruz y la besaron (Tlaxcala, 1567)
yquac quixexeloque tliltic Pastralo ytecuiyo quimicti auh in tliltic carretaco yetia onca[n] tinasatica quicocoto[n]tiaque[ue] caltzalla[n]tli quitotoctique ynic quiteyttitique auh in iq[ua]c omic nima[n] quixexeloque quinauhca[n]quixtique yn inacayo yhua[n] quimacpalcoto[n]que auh in Tlalcocomocco quipilloto san itech yetia yn itzo[n]tenco[n]. = entonces descuartizaron al negro Pastralo que había matado a su señor [itecuiyo]. En una carreta condujeron al negro, allí con tenazas lo fueron despedazando, lo llevaron por las calles para mostrarlo. Y una vez que murió, luego los hicieron cuartos y la cortaron las palmas de las manos. En tlacocomocco lo fueron a colgar, ya sólo iba su cabeza. (ca. 1582, México)