Principal English Translation:
beeswax (see Karttunen and Molina)
Alonso de Molina:
xicocuitlatl. cera.
Alonso de Molina, Vocabulario en lengua castellana y mexicana y mexicana y castellana, 1571, part 2, Nahuatl to Spanish, f. 159r. col. 1. Thanks to Joe Campbell for providing the transcription.
Frances Karttunen:
XĪCOHCUITL(A)-TL beeswax / cera (M) [(1)Cf.127v]. See XĪCOH-TLI, CUITL(A)-TL.
Frances Karttunen, An Analytical Dictionary of Nahuatl (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1992), 324.
Attestations from sources in English:
mopiaz cndelas xicocuitlatl = they will guard wax candles (Tula, 1570)
John Frederick Schwaller, "Constitution of the Cofradía del Santíssimo Sacramento of Tula, Hidalgo, 1570," Estudios de Cultura Náhuatl 19 (1989), 224–225.
Īpampa ca xīcohcuitlatl quichihchīhuah, ca īīxpantzinco tlatlaz in ToTēucyo, Dios, yehhuātl īca motlazohtlatoqueh, mohuēinectoqueh = Because they make the wax that will burn before Our Lord, God, for that reason they are loved and are held in esteem. [i.e. the bees]
(Atenango, between Mexico City and Acapulco, 1629)
Hernando Ruiz de Alarcón, Treatise on the Heathen Superstitions That Today Live Among the Indians Native to This New Spain, 1629, eds. and transl. J. Richard Andrews and Ross Hassig (Norman and London: University of Oklahoma Press, 1984), 94.
Attestations from sources in Spanish:
Yvan ce tlatomachivali yztac xicocuitlatl yc tlaxtlavaz ytech monequiz in Santissimo Sacramento = Y pagará una medida de cera blanca, que esto se necesitará para el Santísimo Sacramento (Cuauhtinchan, Puebla, s. XVI)
Luis Reyes García, "Ordenanzas para el gobierno de Cuauhtinchan, año de 1559," Estudios de Cultura Náhuatl 10 (1972), 300–301.