One Rabbit; a year sign and year counter of the south; it was the first year sign in the sequence; its pending arrival was a cause of great fear that famine would occur (see Sahagún)
also, a calendrical name used for Mayahuel, Xiuhteuctli, or Tlalteuctli; but, in the Treatise, it is used as a ritual name for land (Atenango, between Mexico City and Acapulco, 1629)
Auh in icoac, aiamo moquetza ce tochtli: achtopa nenemachtiloia, netlatlatililo, nenetzontilo, netacatilo, mocuezomatema in tonacaiotl: aoc tle motlaça muchicoac netlatililo = And [even] when [the year] One Rabbit had not yet set in, first provision was made; our food was hidden away, stored, saved up, and placed in bins. Nothing was thrown away; all then was saved (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
In 1454, according to Chimalpahin, the people got "one-rabbited" (necetochhuilloc), in other words, they suffered famine. (early seventeenth century, central Mexico)