(a loanword from Spanish)
an arch; or, a bow (to use with arrows) (see attestations)
arch (architectural structure)
ceremonial arch
Sabado 27 noviembre 66 a[ñ]os yquac yecauh yn argo teilpilloya[n] q’[ui]yauac (Anales de Juan Bautista 2001: 154). =Saturday, November 27, the year 66, was when the arch at the entrance of the prison was finished. [annals (AJB, AT, ZM), religious play (TK); time range: 1564–1674]
1589 6 CAlli xivitli gor: D: Sacarias de sanctiago [sic] Mochiuh alco tlanipa yhuan huala Biso Rey D: Luis de Velasco. =“1589 6 House year. The governor was don Zacarías de Santiago. At this time the arches were built below [the belfry], and the viceroy don Luis de Velasco came” (Townsend ed. 2010: 170). [annals (AJB, AT, ZM), religious play (TK); time range: 1564–1674]
Huan quennopaya, tlen ica achi hueyi quichihuah nopa, quicualtlaliah arcos, huan quichihuah naman. Pan nopa arco quintlahtlaliah
nopa xochitl estrellas (2014-P). And that is so, the thing that they put a lot of effort into is making ceremonial arches, and they [continue to] make them today. They fashion ‘flower stars’ on the arch. [oral account (2014-P), vocabulary (TCV); time range: 2014–2016]
yn uxitin arco hocatca Sant Juan Bauhtista Totolla = se desbarató el arco que estaba en San Juan Bautista Totola (Tlaxcala, 1662–1692)
yhuan yquac mochiuhque arcos coyolcaltitlan. = Y entonces se construyeron los arcos al pie del campanario. (Tlaxcala, 1662–1692)
Yhua cetetl alcoyo auh yn alco nicnomaquillia y don Felipe Paez = Y un arco de piedra, y el arco se lo doy a don Felipe Pais (Amecameca, 1625)
auh ynic mopanolti Çahuapan motete picas yc mochihuan yn arcu buhuete = Para pasar el río Zahuatl se colocaron vigas, con lo que se arregló, porque se hacía el arco del puente (Tlaxcala, 1662–1692)
yecauh yn argo teilpilloya[n] q’[ui]yauac tlapitzalloc yva[n] toltecoc. = se concluyó el arco de la parte exterior de la cárcel, hubo música de viento y se agasajó a los artesanos. (ca. 1582, México)