the beater used for making paper (see Molina)
"...the strips are skillfully macerated against the board with a grooved beater until they are felted together into a sheet. The beater (amahuitequini, amatl-paper, tequi-work or beater) is usually of stone and has an ovoid or rectangular shape, also a slot on its sides for easier handling. The size of the wooden board and the amount of fiber determines the size...."
"The bark of the amatl tree was placed in a pool of running water. The soaked and rotted wood was then boiled. The remaining pulp was then felted together with a beater called amahuitequini, or "paper beater...."
"La planchita con que se aplanan las fibras se llama amahuitequini (amatl-papel y tequi-trabajo). Este tiene una forma rectangular u ovoide, y ya sea una agarradera arriba o ranuras a los lados para manejarla con más facilidad."