milk (see Molina); including breast milk
Bartolomé de Alva uses this term to refer to breastmilk in a discussion of the death of a nursing child. The suggestion is that mothers would bury such a child with a "tube of cane filled with breast milk" or they would "sprinkle breast milk over the grave." (central Mexico, 1634)
"Cuix in ycuac, omomiquili, moconeuh, cuix acatica, otictlallilli in momemeyalo, in mochichihuyalo? Cuix ipan otictocac. Cuix noço, in campa toctoc? Cuix ompa tiauh, ticnoquiz ticpipiaçoz, in mochichihualayo." = "Si fueren mugeres, se les a de preguntar lo siguiente, que es lo que siempre acostumbran hazer, particularmente en los pueblos. Quando murio tu hijo niño, y pequeñuelo, por ventura pusiste con cañutos tu leche, enterrandole con ellos, o vas a derramarla en la sepultura donde está enterrado?"