to spoil, get stale, or be ruined (see Karttunen and Molina)
Orthographic Variants:
Alonso de Molina:
nempoliui. (pret. onempoliuh.) desperdiciarse algo. Alonso de Molina, Vocabulario en lengua castellana y mexicana y mexicana y castellana, 1571, part 2, Nahuatl to Spanish, f. 67v. col. 1. Thanks to Joe Campbell for providing the transcription.
Frances Karttunen:
NĒMPOLIHU(I) to spoil, to get stale, to be ruined / desperdiciarse algo (M), se echa a perder, se pierde (T) [(3)Tp.167]. See NĒN, POLIHU(I). Frances Karttunen, An Analytical Dictionary of Nahuatl (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1992), 166.