to undress or get naked; to undress someone (see Molina)
omopepetlauh mecatl yn iquechtlan oquitlalli yc oquihualtititztia yn oncan fiscal yc niman altar mayor omotlancuaquetzato = stripped, with a rope placed at his neck, by which the fiscal there went pulling him until he knelt at the main altar. (central Mexico, 1612)
To appear naked or nearly naked was apparently a way of humbling oneself in front of someone much admired. See the example from Zapata y Mendoza (444–445).
auh in Maria Gostanҫa ynic teyxpan quiquetz quiteyttiti quipepetlauh ychichihual pani catca ҫan ipampa ychan canato yn ipan omoteneuh Domingo // quill amo missa quicaquito teopan S. Joseph = And María Constanza he publicly stood up, displayed, stripped; her breasts were exposed. The reason they went to pick her up at her home on the said Sunday was just that // they say she didn't go to hear mass at the church of San Josef (central Mexico, 1611–1612)
mochitin mopepetlauhque ça yehuatl yn isotanilia yhuan yn irobilia yhuan mochi quahuitl quihuihuicaque = todos se desnudaron, quedaron sólo con su sotanilla y ropilla; todos llevaban palos (Tlaxcala, 1662–1692)