Golden-fronted Woodpecker, a bird (see Hunn, attestations); the assumption is that the cuauhtotopotli and the cuauhtotopoctli are the same bird; this may require further research
CUĀUH-TOTOPO-TLI, Golden-fronted Woodpecker (Melanerpes aurifrons) [FC: 46 Quauhtotopotli] “Also its name is quauhchochopitli, and its name is quauhtatala. The bill is pointed, pointed like a nail, strong, rugged, like obsidian. It is light ashen; agile; a tree-climber; a hopper up trees: a borer of holes in trees, a tree-borer. Its food is worms; it destroys insects in trees when it bores them. There it nests.” Martin del Campo identified this bird as the Golden-fronted Woodpecker. The term might equally well refer a dozen other species of Central Mexican woodpeckers, though this species might have been the most familiar to the Aztec scribes. See also CUĀUH-CHOCHOPI-TLI, CUĀUH-TATALA.