a person of the nobility, a lord (see Molina and Karttunen)
Jn tecpilli tlaçotli, uel tlaçotli, tlaçotli yn iiollo, muchi tlacatl itlaço, aiac itzcuin iuiiaio, iocuxcaio, tlatlaçotla, tlamauiçoa, tlamauiztilia, tepepetla, tetlatlatlauhtia. = The noble [is] esteemed, highly esteemed, noble of birth. All people [have] his esteem. [He is] no one's dog. [He is] tranquil, peaceful. He esteems, admires, shows reverence for things. He compliments others; he speaks graciously to them. (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
ytecpilcac = her lordly sandals
ynic monotza tecpilpa = Así se conversaron entre los tecpiltin (Tetzcoco, 1580)