literally, lip hair, but this term typically refers to the beard, chin hair or whiskers (see Molina and Karttunen); also, sheep or goat(s) (see attestations); and, a noble male (see Sahagún)
auh in itentzon cenca viac, cenca vitlatztic, tentzonpachtic = And his beard was very long—exceedingly long. He was heavily bearded (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
Tentzontli, tetentzon: in tetētzon mozcalia, tlanonotzalli, tlazcaltilli tlamachtilli = [Another] of Noble Lineage: The one of noble lineage [is] discreet, well reared, well taught, well instructed. (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
When ixquamolli is combined with tentzontli (lip hair), it refers to someone close to the speaker. (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
tentzontli = beard (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
totẽtzõ muzcalttia veyaquia = Our beard: It grows, it becomes long (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
tetentzon mochachamoaoa = Beard of noblemen: He is conceited (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
oniquinnopieliaya tentzoneque ca oniquinnamacac auh nechhuyquilitoc ce caxtiltecatl = las cabras que tenía las vendí y de ellas me debe diez y ocho pesos un español (Zempoala, "1610", but probably Techialoyan -related)