Principal English Translation:
an exam or a test; a questioning, a series of questions; or, an inquisition (see Molina)
Alonso de Molina:
tetlatlaniliztli. examen o inquisicion.
Alonso de Molina, Vocabulario en lengua castellana y mexicana y mexicana y castellana, 1571, part 2, Nahuatl to Spanish, f. 109v. col. 1. Thanks to Joe Campbell for providing the transcription.
Attestations from sources in English:
Tetlatlaniliztli ic moçentlatlanizque in ixquichtin moyolcuitiznequi, in ayamo quipehualtia in inneyolcuitiliz. = Questions which all who want to confess will be asked before they begin their confession.
Bartolomé de Alva, A Guide to Confession Large and Small in the Mexican Language, 1634, eds. Barry D. Sell and John Frederick Schwaller, with Lu Ann Homza (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1999), 69.
Attestations from sources in Spanish:
Tetlatlaniliztli ic moçentlatlanizque in ixquichtin moyolcuitiznequi, in ayamo quipehualtia in inneyolcuitiliz. = Pregvntas, y Respuestas vniuersales, para antes de la Confession.
Bartolomé de Alva, A Guide to Confession Large and Small in the Mexican Language, 1634, eds. Barry D. Sell and John Frederick Schwaller, with Lu Ann Homza (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1999), 68–69.