something burning or burned (see Molina); a conflagration, such as burning fields; scorched earth; also, a symbolic reference to war (when combined with atl or teoatl)
Zazan tleino, cuezali teyacana, cacali'n tetocatiuh. Tlachinolli. = What is a red cardinal going first and a crow following behind? Something burning.
otopan muchiuh anozo otopan onquiz: in iuhqui teuatl, tlachinolli: quitoznequi: cocoliztli, anozo uel yehoatl in yaoyotl = They said: Divine liquid and fire have overcome us, have swept over us. This means pestilence or war itself.
vmpa pouhquj in teuatenpan, in tlachinoltenpan, in jxtlaoatl ijtic, inepantla = He belongeth to the battlefield there in the center, in the middle of the plains (central Mexico, sixteenth century)