something curved, rounded (see Molina); if Hispanized as tlacolole, it referred to a type of agricultural land (see attestations)
Tlacololli was Hispanized as tlacolole. The term may have regionally specific definitions, but it seems to relate to slash and burn agriculture, or it may refer to marginally appealing lands on mountain slopes and in wooded areas. But if it is like lama bordo, it could have involved loosening the top soil on slopes so that it would wash down and be trapped in terraces through which rain water would flow and irrigate the much-improved and more fertile land in the canyon terraces. The furrows could be curved to follow the shape of the landscape and to avoid erosion. Tlacolole is often contrasted with parcels "de barbecho" that can be worked with animals and plows.
Dances observed by ethnographers in Nahua regions were catalogued by Fernando Horcasitas, including the Danza de los Tlacololeros. One observer wrote, "la danza de los tlacololeros es una forma abreviada de la danza de los tecuanes, bailada para pedir lluvia durante los meses de junio y julio principalmente." (twentieth century, Guerrero)