to take and guard something from someone else; to hide something from (or for) someone; or, to burn something that belongs to someone (see Molina)
This verb can be seen in Sahagún in conjunction with a deity's taking away someone's life, hiding that person: cujx ticmotlatiliz = perchance thou wilt hide him (central Mexico, sixteenth-century)
auh noce mjtzonmotlatiliz, mjtzõmocxipachilviz, mjtzonmjvaliz in tocenchan in mjctlan = And perhaps he will hide thee, put thee underfoot, send thee to our common home, the land of the dead (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
yaotica omo tlan oqui motlatilili ynin yey altepetl huauquilpan acayocan sapotitlan sacamolpan tolquauyocan semicac ye altepe tlali = Con guerra se ganó todo esto, el dicho Señor, los conquistó a éstos tres pueblos: Huauhquilpan, Acayocan y Zapotitlan. Pues Zacamolpan (en tierras roturadas) y Tolcuauhyocan (lugar de juncos gordos) siempre serán tierras del pueblo. (Estado de Hidalgo, ca. 1722?)