a butterfly (see Molina and Karttunen); also, a person's name (attested as male and possibly female)
motlepapalochihua = consume themselves like moths in a flame; and see: Sahagún, Florentine Codex, Notlepapalochiuhtiuh [sic] = I fly into the fire like a moth/butterfly (central Mexico, 1634)
yolcame papalome = insects and butterflies
papalotilmahtli = the cape with the butterfly design
y yamatzon, ioã itzpapalutl, itech ca = his paper crown, and on it obsidian butterflies
Zazan tleino, tepetozcatl quitoca momamatlaxcalotiuh. Papalotl. = What is it that goes along the foothills of the mountain patting out tortillas with its hands? A butterfly.
ytoca papallotl = named Papalotl [he is married to a woman named Tlaco] (Cuernavaca region, ca. 1540s)
chimalpapalocalli = House of Butterfly Shields (late sixteenth century, Tetzcoco?)
quahpatla[n]que yn atzaqualca yn ipa[n] quahpatla[n]que o[n]tetl tlauhquechol ce[n]tetl papalotl ce[n]tetl xillanehuatl = los atzaqualcas volaron en el palo volador. Volaron como dos tlauhquechol, una mariposa y un xillanehuatl. (ca. 1582, Mexico City)
papalotl in amo mocuatequia = Papalotl (mariposa, tampoco está bautizada (ca. 1540, Cuernavaca)
yq[ua]c meuh papalocuicatl yc q'[ui]z yn ilhuitzin Sant Juan yquac yecauhque papalome yva[n] ocelome = entonces se interpretó el papalocuicatl, con esto se hizo la fiesta de San Juan, entonces se terminaron las mariposas y los ocelotes (ca. 1582, México)