(a loanword from Spanish)
a considerable piece of land, intended to hold 12 fanegas of seed and measure 552 by 1104 varas (Spanish yards) or 609,408 square varas, could also be divided into four suertes
(a loanword from Spanish)
nahui cahuallellia onechmomaquil[i] tohueintlatucatzin = cuatro caballerías de tierra que asimismo me hizo merced el señor virrey (San Francisco Temascalapan, Edo de México, 1598)
matlactli yehua se canbaleria contorno yn ca yehualli = once caballerías en contorno y circunferencia (San Marcos Tlayacac, Morelos, "1546"; no earlier than 1666)
yquexquix cabalerias tlali nicpia = cuantas caballerías de tierra tengo (San Marcos Tlayacac, Morelos, "1546"; no earlier than 1666)