
Principal English Translation: 

a sour or tart drink

Attestations from sources in English: 

"Lesions caused by rough treatment should be treated with a poultice made from tlazo-teo-zacatl, centzon-xochitl, xiuhtontli, a-xocotl, tlayapaloni, xiuhtontli, moss from some tree, cypress nuts, seeds of the nettle, and the tree ayauh-quahuitl." (sixteenth century, central Mexico)
An Aztec Herbal: The Classic Codex of 1552 (2012).

Attestations from sources in Spanish: 

"AXOCOTL, axocote; a de atl, agua; xococ agrio. Bebida refrescante con un sabor ligeramente agrio que se hace poniéndose en una olla de barro, agua, cacahuazintli, cogoyos de guayabo y endulzado con piloncillo y se hierve a fuego...."
Gregorio Bautista Lara, Etimologías de la lengua náhuatl (1989), 20.