"grasshopper hill" -- the location in the basin of Mexico where the Toltecs arrived to settle; now a park in Mexico City
Ma Chapultepec ninaalti. Iquac mitoa: intla nopan muchioa uey cocoliztli. = Oh, that I may bathe in Chapultepec! This is said when I fall ill.
Ma chapultepec njnaalti. Iquac mjtoa: intla nopan muchioa vei cocoliztli, notech omotlali, anoҫo itla notequjuh tetolinj: cenca njquelevia in ma njpati: in ma iciuhca tzonqujҫa in notequjuh. Auh intla oquentel njpatic: anoҫo otzonqujz in notequjuh: njman ic njqujtoa. Ma chapultepec njnaalti = May I bathe myself at Chapultepec! It is said at this time: If it befalls me that a great sickness settles on me or my burden is somewhat afflicting, I very much wish that I recover, that my burden soon come to an end. And if in some way I recovered or my burden came to an end, then I say: "May I bathe myself at Chapultepec!" (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
Ma chapultepec njnaalti. Iquac mjtoa: intla nopan muchioa vei cocoliztli, notech omotlali, anoҫo itla notequjuh tetolinj: cenca njquelevia in ma njpati: in ma iciuhca tzonqujҫa in notequjuh. Auh intla oquentel njpatic: anoҫo otzonqujz in notequjuh: njman ic njqujtoa. Ma chapultepec njnaalti = Desseo yrme a bañar a chapultepec o querria poder yrme a bañar a chapoltepec. Este refran dize: el que a tenjdo alguna gran emfermedad o algun cargo pesado con desseo de uerse libre de aquel cargo o enfermedad: dize. Ma chapultepec njnaalti que qujere dezir, bañarme ya en agua rosada quãdo este cargo o enfermedad se me qujtasse. Chapultepec es vna fuente que esta cerca de mexico muy buena los que se bañan en ella piensan que les haze dios gran merced: asi este adagio es de los mexicanos (centro de Mexico, s. XVI)