TLAHTŌLTĒNCUĒCUĒP(A) vt to respond verbally / le contesta con palabras (Z) [(3)Zp.33,195]. In one attestation Z marks the vowel of the first syllable of CUĒCUĒP(A) long but not the second. In the other neither vowel is marked long. Elsewhere, T has reflexive CUĒCUEP(A) ‘to be upset’ as well as transitive CUĒCUĒPA(A) ‘to turn things over.’ The last element here could conceivably be a transitive use of CUĒCUEP(A) rather than CUĒCUĒP(A). See TLAHTŌL-LI, TĒN-TLI, CUĒCUĒP(A). Frances Karttunen, An Analytical Dictionary of Nahuatl (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1992), 267.