to pray; to pray to someone or implore someone for something, to plead with someone (see Karttunen)
mochipa tlatlauhtilos yn tlhuicac Cihuapilli Sancta maria = the heavenly noblewoman Saint Mary will always be prayed to.
amixpantzinco timopechteca cenca namechnotlatlauhtiliya in justicia = ante su presencia nos inclinamos mucho les rogamos juzticia (Tlaxcala, 1563)
cenca otechtlatlauhti = greatly implored us (Coyoacan, 1575)
Santa Maria Mochipa huel netli yhpohtzintli ca huel Motetlatlactiliani = Santa María, forever very true virgin, the great implorer (San Pedro Calimaya, Toluca Valley, 1759)
tlauhtilli = agreement
nictlatlauhtilia = I implore him/her (as in, to pray for me); also seen as nitlatlactilia in Toluca
huel çenca nicnotlatlauhtilia y hohualbaçea metztiyetz = I very greatly implore the one who is to be my executor (San Juan Bautista, Toluca Valley, 1733)
Çá huel niquixcahuiz in teoyotica tlatlatlauhtiliztli, = I will just devote myself entirely to praying in a sacred way (late seventeenth century, Central Mexico)
tlatlauhtia = hacer oración
cenca nictlatlauhtia = que le ruego yo
oquintlatlauhtiyaya yn = a rogarles; y: quemaniyan ytilma yn quimacaya = y algunas beces les daba mantas (Tlatelolco, 1558)
timitztotlatlauhtiliya = le rogamos (se nota que aparece -to- en vez de -mo-) (Santiago de Guatemala, n.d.)