to make something long and straight (See Karttunen)
Orthographic Variants:
Frances Karttunen:
PIYĀZOĀ vt to make something long and straight / hacer una cosa larga, derecha, y redonda como una vara (C) [(2)Cf.65v]. T has YO for YĀ, and C does not write the intervocalic Y. C gives this as a metaphor for 'to urinate' and T glosses it as 'to defecate,' while M has reflexive piazoa 'to steal off, to slip away' and also piaztli 'long, thin gourd used as a pipe to conduct liquid.' The basic meaning probably has to do with liquid running in a narrow course. With the senses 'to urinate' and 'to defecate,' this takes the prefix TLA-.
PIYĀCILHUIĀ applic. PIYĀZOĀ. Frances Karttunen, An Analytical Dictionary of Nahuatl (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1992), 199.