to mistake something or someone for another (see Karttunen)
Orthographic Variants:
Frances Karttunen:
TLAHNĒHUIĀ vt to mistake something or someone for another / tomar una cosa por otra, pensando que era suya la capa, siendo de otro, o pensando que hablaba con Pedro, no siendo él sino otro, etc. (M) [(4)Bf.Ir,2v,4r,(1)Cf.128v,(1)Rp.145]. M gives this gloss for tlahneuia and repeats it in briefer form for tlaneuia. In M this is a double object verb when it involves an other person, but C treats it as a simple transitive verb for persons and things alike. This contrats with TLANĒHUIĀ ‘to borrow something.’
TLAHNĒHUILIĀ applic. TLAHNĒHUIĀ Frances Karttunen, An Analytical Dictionary of Nahuatl (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1992), 262.