older brother, warrior leader, ship captain, or person of authority (from Joe Campbell by way of H-Nahuatl listserv, 7/8/2022); leader of youths (see Karttunen); also, a constable (see Sahagún)
in titecutli, in tachcauhtli in titequiva in ticalpixqui in titelpuchtli, auh in tipilli in titlapallivi yn titlamacazqui = you the lords, you the constables, you the valiant warriors, you the majordomos, you the youths, and you the noblemen, you the marriageable youths, you the priests (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
Motenan, motzacuil. Inin tlatolli, intechpa mitoaya in tlatequipanoa: azo calpixcati, azo achcacauhti = Your wall, your enclosure. This was said of those who served in some capacity, such as tribute collectors or captains.
achcautli = a military title
And more from Joe Campbell by way of Ben Leeming, H-Nahuatl:
"Achcauhtli" can take specific possessive prefixes:
incihuatachcahuan = their head mistress of women
amotiachcauh = y'all's leader
imachcauh = their leader
m[o]achcauh = your older brother
One of the interesting facets in the "behavior" of
"te-achcauh" is the variation in the possessive prefix "te-".
1. It can be maintained in its full form:
teachcauh = captain
2. Its 'e' can raise to 'i':
intiachcahuan = their war leaders
3. Its vowel can completely elide:
intachcahuan = their war leaders
achcauhtia Maxixcatzin = Maxixcatzin se constituyó como achcauhtli. (Tlaxcala, 1662–1692)