(a loanword from Spanish)
pallium, a pontifical ornament, worn by patriarchs and archbishops; a cloak, short mantle; a canopy; a premium or a plate given as a reward in horse racing; seemingly also the horse racing or horse spectacle itself
(a loanword from Spanish)
ỹ nican yancuic arcobispo omotlalli, auh yntla mopatlaz nican mexico arҫobispo. yntla oc cecni conicuanicã ҫan no arҫobispoyotl ypan ỹtla ompa ayhtic S. Domingo la ysla, anoҫo manilla china, ca yuh mihtohua ca quicuitiuh quicelitiuh yn ompa yancuic teopan Sancta yglesia oc ce yancuic palio = the new archbishop here is given a pallium when he is installed, but if the archbishop here in Mexico is replaced, if they move him to an archbishopric in another place, out in the ocean at Santo Domingo de la Isla, or Manila in China, it is said that when he gets to the new church he will get and receive another new pallium (central Mexico, 1613)
Auh ҫan acame ҫan quezquintin yn obisposme oncate y quitlalia yn quinemiltia ҫan teycneliliztica yn palio yn iuh yehuatl vmpa obispo yn itocayocan luca ypan tlalli Italia, yhuã yehuatl yn obispo Pauia ypan tlalli Lõbardia, auh yn ipan tlalli Alemania yehuatl yn obispo ytocayocan Bãberga, yhuã in yehuatl obispo vmpa ytocayocan Ostiense = There are just a few bishops who wear and display the pallium by special privilege, like the bishop at the place called Lucca in the land of Italy, and the bishop of Pavia in the land of Lombardy, and in the land of Germany the bishop of the place called Bamberg, and the bishop of the place called Ostia (central Mexico, 1613)
quimanilico yn opa yn ipilhuatzintzinhuan yca tlapitzali palio = Vinieron por su cruz sus hijos de allí con música de viento y palio (Tlaxcala, 1662–1692)
quihualhuicaque balio quion çera 24 = trajeron el palio y 24 cirios de cera (Tlaxcala, 1662–1692)
auh y quitlauhtique palio yhuan caballioçelia camo quiçeli ye yca moxtlahuaz 3 mil pesos tominez quiçeli cabildo. = Y les hicieron merced de palio y caballería, no lo aceptó ya que se pagarían tres mil pesos en tomines. El cabildo lo aceptó. (Tlaxcala, 1662–1692)
ça moqualanaltin amo quiçeli palio yn itocatzin don Diego Pacheco marquez de Billena conde dezcalona = Se encolerizó porque no fue recibido con palio, el llamado don Diego Pacheco (Tlaxcala, 1662–1692)