divine Chichimecs, Mexica ancestors (see attestations)
Auh yn oacico yn omotlallico tenochtitlan yn huehuetque teochichimeca mexica ye matlacpohualxihuitl ypan nauhpohualxihuitl ypan maculxihuitl axcan ticate ypā yxiuhtzin tt.º Dios. 1609. años. = And the Teochichimeca Mexica ancestors arrived and settled in Tenochtitlan two hundred and eighty-five years [ago]. We are now in the year of our Lord God 1609. (central Mexico, early seventeenth century)
In teuchichimeca, in qujtoznequi, vel nelli chichimeca, anoço molhuj chichimeca, in joan intoca çacachichimeca, in qujtoznequi, çacatla, quauhtla in nemj; ca iehoantin in vecanemj, in quauhtla, in çacatla, in jxtlaoacan in texcalla nemj = The Teochichimeca, that is to say, the real Chichimeca, or extreme Chichimeca, and also those named Çacachichimeca, that is to say, those who lived on the grassy plains, in the forests - these were the ones who lived far away; they lived in the forests, the grassy plains, the deserts, among the crags. (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
Nican mitohua motenehua ynquenin oacico, ocallaquico ynhuehuetque inmitohua Motenehua Teochichimeca Aztlan tlacaMexitin Chicomoztoca. = Dícese, nómbrase aquí como llegaron y penetraron los ancianos llamados, nombrados teochichimecas, gentes de Aztlan, mexicanos chicomoztoquenses... [Aquí se dice, se nombra (el) cómo vinieron a llegar, vinieron a entrar los ancianos que se dice, se nombra los "teochichimecas", gente de Aztlan, mexicanos chicomoztoquenses...] (centra de Mexico, s. XVII)