a seller of fine chocolate
Tlaquetzalnamacac atlaquetzalnamacac, tecini, teatlitiani, teihiiocuitiani, cacaoateci, tlaxamania, tlapaiana, tlacuechoa tlatzontequi, tlacentlaca, tlacenquixtia, aciaoa, tlaciaoa, tlaapachoa, tlaamauhtia, tlaaiçauia, tlaacana, tlatzetzeloa, tlaatzetzeloazuia, aquetza, tlaacana, tlatzotzontlalia, tlapopoçonallalia, tlatzotzoncui, tlatetzaoacaquetza, tlatetzaoacaacana, tlaaquechia, tlaatecuinia = The seller of fine chocolate. The seller of fine chocolate [is] one who grinds, who provides people with drink, with repasts. She grinds cacao [beans]; she crushes, breaks, pulverizes them. She chooses, selects [read tlacentlaça], separates them. She drenches, soaks, steeps, them. She adds water sparingly, conservatively; aerates it, filters it, strains it, pours it back and forth, aerates it; she makes it form a head, makes it foam; she removes the head, makes it thicken, makes it dry, pours water in, stirs water into it. (central Mexico, sixteenth century)