a collective home; seen in the Florentine Codex to refer to a place where people go after death, a place without outlets, without openings
cuxj ontlamatiz in tocenchan in apuchqujaoaiocan, in atlecallocan, cujx conmatiz in tonan, in tota in mjctlan tecutli = Perchance he will know our collective home, the place without outlets, without openings. Perchance he will know our mother, our father Mictlan tecutli (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
auh noce mjtzonmotlatiliz, mjtzõmocxipachilviz, mjtzonmjvaliz in tocenchan in mjctlan = And perhaps he will hide thee, put thee underfoot, send thee to our common home, the land of the dead (central Mexico, sixteenth century)