
Principal English Translation: 

a person's name, fairly common in the sixteenth century in what is now the state of Morelos (attested as male); also seen near Tetzcoco and Huexotzinco (also attested male); the name may translate "ideal bean," as seen in Cheryl Claassen and Laura Ammon, Religion in Sixteenth-Century Mexico (2022), citing a census of 1530.

Orthographic Variants: 
Nochvetl, Nohvetl, nochuetl, Nochhue
Attestations from sources in English: 

ytoca nochvetl = named Nochhuetl (Cuernavaca region, ca. 1540s)
The Book of Tributes: Early Sixteenth-Century Nahuatl Censuses from Morelos, ed. and transl. S. L. Cline, (Los Angeles: UCLA Latin American Center Publications, 1993), 120–121.

yz ca yteycauh y nochhuetli ytonca tençozonmoc ha° mocuatequia = Here is Nochhuetl's younger sibling, named Teçoçomoc, not baptized.(Cuernavaca region, ca. 1540s)
The Book of Tributes: Early Sixteenth-Century Nahuatl Censuses from Morelos, ed. and transl. S. L. Cline, (Los Angeles: UCLA Latin American Center Publications, 1993), 128–129.

yn ioquich ytoca nohvetl [sic] = Her husband is named Nochhuetl.... (Cuernavaca region, ca. 1540s)
The Book of Tributes: Early Sixteenth-Century Nahuatl Censuses from Morelos, ed. and transl. S. L. Cline, (Los Angeles: UCLA Latin American Center Publications, 1993), 126–127. See another person with this name on 134–135, one on 142–143, 148–149, and perhaps elsewhere.

mjn. nochhuetl = Martín Nochhuetl (the glyph has a nopal cactus flower, nochtli, and below it a standing drum, huehuetl) (Tepetlaoztoc, sixteenth century)
Barbara J. Williams and H. R. Harvey, The Códice de Santa María Asunción: Facsimile and Commentary: Households and Lands in Sixteenth-Century Tepetlaoztoc (Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1997), 96–97.

franco nochhuetl [also written nochhue] = Francisco Nochhuetl the glyph has a nopal cactus flower, nochtli, and below it a standing drum, huehuetl) (Tepetlaoztoc), sixteenth century)
Barbara J. Williams and H. R. Harvey, The Códice de Santa María Asunción: Facsimile and Commentary: Households and Lands in Sixteenth-Century Tepetlaoztoc (Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1997), 134–135.